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Strategic Goal #5: Campus Revitalization

Eastern Kentucky University stands at a unique moment in its historical arc.  Ours is the opportunity to transform the campus in a way which is only presented once in a generation.  We must be bold, creative, and innovative.  A chance to reshape and remake our campus is available to us and we must take advantage not only for the present, but for future generations of EKU alumni, faculty, staff, students, and friends.  Indeed, what we are proposing represents “no little plan.” 

We will revitalize the Campus Beautiful by being relentless in our efforts to secure an investment in student-centric facilities.

The campus revitalization involves a significant capital investment in the Eastern campus. At the core of this revitalization will be the complete overhaul of the center of campus.  The establishment of the Center for Student Life will focus on the holistic EKU student experience: intellectual, social, physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental maturation.

Strategic Initiatives

Initiate and complete EKU Revitalization plan, which includes rehabilitation of existing facilities and construction of new ones with a focus on the EKU student experience. (5.1)


  • Conduct a campus master plan, including a comprehensive space analysis. (5.1.1)
  • Invest in the physical infrastructure of our campus, including improving technology, creating creative spaces, and enhancing curb appeal. (5.1.2)
  • Locate and secure arrangements with private partners and state appropriations. (5.1.3)
  • Address deferred maintenance. (5.1.4)
  • Prioritize sustainability. (5.1.5)
  • Prioritize efficient project administration. (5.1.6)
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