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STAR Reports

Strategic Planning and Assessment Reports (STAR)

STAR Report Upload Form - submit by April 1, 2024

Academic Programs (8.2.a template)

  • Spring 2023: PLLOs, Map of PLLOs, Assessment Instruments, and Instrument Criteria (Items 1A - 3C on pages 1-6 of the template) were completed
  • Fall 2023:  Complete Assessment Data Collection, Validity, Assessment Results, Analysis of Results, and Results Dissemination (Items 4A-5)
  • Spring 2024: Complete Learning Improvement Based on the Analysis of Results, Evidence of Learning Improvement Based on the Analysis of Results, Assessment Improvement Based on the Analysis of Results (Items 6A-6B)

Academic and Student Services (8.2.c template)

  • Spring 2023: Outcomes, Map, Assessment Instruments, and Instrument Criteria (Items 1A - 3C) were completed
  • Fall 2023: Complete Assessment Data Collection, Validity, Assessment Results, Analysis of Results, and Results Dissemination (Items 4A-5)
  • Spring 2024: Complete Student Success Improvement Based on the Analysis of Results, Evidence of Student Success Improvement Based on the Analysis of Results, Assessment Improvement Based on the Analysis of Results (Items 6A-6B)

Administrative Programs (7.3 template)

  • Spring 2023: Outcomes, Map, Assessment Instruments, and Instrument Criteria (Items 1A - 3C) were completed
  • Fall 2023: Complete Data Collection, Validity, Assessment Results, Analysis of Results, and Results Dissemination (Items 3D-5)
  • Spring 2024: Complete Improvement Based on the Analysis of Results (Item 6)

General Education Assessment (Template, Competencies, Rubrics, etc.)

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