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Ongoing Commitments

Current projects, services, activities, obligations, and policies to which we remain committed:

  • Competitive and Equitable Pay: achieving faculty and staff internal pay equity and competitive salaries;

  • Critical/Creative Thinking & Communication Skills: maintaining and enhancing critical and creative thinking and communication skills initiatives;

  • Diversity: increasing the number of diverse and international faculty, staff, and students;

  • Efficiency & Transparency: improving financial efficiency and transparency;

  • Global Impact: solidifying our local, regional, state, national, and global impact;

  • Liberal Arts Core:  providing a strong liberal arts core through the general education curriculum for all students;

  • Multicultural Experiences: enhancing multicultural and international experiences;

  • Safety: ensuring a safe and secure environment for our students;

  • Scholarship: improving the lives of others through discovery, application, and integration of knowledge

  • Service: valuing faculty service internal and external to the University;

  • Strong Government Relations:  advocating for increased state support for higher education;

  •  Student Learning: continually improving student learning through Assurance of Learning efforts;

  • Sustainability: improving our environmental impact; and

  • Teaching & Advising:  improving teaching and advising effectiveness.


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